Tuesday 22 March 2011

A potential recipe for disaster is innocently saved

So it would seem that my previous post on my love of the Innocent brand is something in the way of a tale of two parts.

Upon querying dear 'Grandmother's Lemon Merigue Pie' as a traditional dessert, I felt compelled to write to those in the know and put the question to them myself. My now good friend Tim was singled out as my chief point of contact and was awarded the following 'you have a new message'...

Good Afternoon Tim.

I hope you are just super on this Thursday afternoon and are looking forward to the prospect of packing away your halo tomorrow for a weekend of devilishly fun antics.

Before you do however, I do wish that you could help me on a small matter? I am led to believe that you are something of a fellow foody like myself - if I am correct in my assumption that you are behind the tantalising cheesecake blog post that is - and thus have you down as a chap who knows his brandy baskets from his bread and butter pudding.

Being originally from Manchester - and it is common knowledge that us northerners are particularly well adept in the art of baking - my grandmother has continually supplied our family with an assortment of sweet treats over the many years. She makes a mean Meringue, not too dissimilar from your own 'most popular' recipe in your Great Recipe Archive. I have noted that there does however appear to be one rather large difference. My grandmother makes a luscious lemon 'meringue' pie whilst yours makes a 'merigue' pie. Now I simply must enquire as to whether this is a traditional English dessert I know nothing about, or whether this is merely a sugar induced typo from one too many slices of cake.

I confess I would be much relieved if it were a case of the latter. Confirmation of such would be ever so re-assuring to my pudding prowess...
best wishes,

True to the image I uphold of them, I received a warm and much welcomed response from Tim at the Fruit Towers.

Hi Eve
Thanks for taking the time to write to us. We’re not entirely sure what a ‘merigue’ is either. The Great Recipe Archive is of course user generated content and our website isn’t clever enough to pick up the finer culinary details like the misspelling of meringue. Then again maybe we’re both wrong and this is a yet to be discovered variation of the classic lemon meringue pie.

Have a fantastic day and don’t for get to have a Guinness or an Irish Coffee.
Hey, pressed O
Our favourite new squeeze is here

So I wish to lastly thank Tim for his speedy reply and inform him that when next in my local Sainsbury's, I'll be sure to be on the look out for his new squeeze.

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