About Me

Hi, my name is Eve and what's new with me? Well, I'm loving living in London!

You may see me getting on the tube at Camden town where I now live, viewing an art exhibition at Southbank, involving myself in a fashion shoot in Oxford Circus, having lunch in Covent Garden with friends old & new, experiencing the theatre in the West End or even simply perched on a bench in Soho engrossed in the latest edition of Creative Review, Vogue or the Observer (if it's Sunday). 

I am a self confessed fashionista at heart and an admirer of all that goes with it. Working in shoot co-ordination with fashion designers & photographers, account managing in marketing & creative agencies, organising events, writing copy & PR - if it's creative, I'm fascinated.

Most of all, I'm loving this city and all the exciting opportunities it's already bringing, through the many new, like-minded & creative people from diverse genres I'm now meeting along the way... 
