Wednesday 23 March 2011

The Jennifer Aniston Sex Tape

On the off chance that you missed THE viral of the year so far, I strongly recommend you watch the new smartwater ad for a tongue in cheek campaign in response to the million dollar question, 'how can we make this go viral?'

The checklist: cross off when completed
1. Talk to the camera. 
2. Budget home edited 'quality'
3. Cute puppies
4. Dancing babies
5. Featured techy geeks
6. Shameless sexual plugging
7. Body popping of twitchy children
8. Dodgy soundtrack

This video succinctly highlights how stagnant and generic viral marketing really has become. It has, therefore, lost its original appeal and charm.  Viral to me, is something that you couldn't do again if you tried; Take 2 just doesn't exist. 

Maybe You've been Framed is more worthy of being noted than I would care to admit!

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