Whilst searching for more information on the widely advertised 4 part movie event 'The Kennedys' on the History Channel website, I stumbled upon one of my more exciting discoveries to date. The History Channel has teamed up with Foursquare in an innovative way to help you learn the history all around you.
With over 600 places to check into in London, keep your phone firmly at the ready as you walk the streets to uncover the secret history of your current location. Check in to any historical location enough times and you could unlock the limited edition HISTORY™ ♥ London badge. Bag the badge and you also automatically be placed into the History Channel prize draw to win a fantastic VIP weekend in London.
Watch the video below for a guide to how to begin unlocking London.
With over 600 places to check into in London, keep your phone firmly at the ready as you walk the streets to uncover the secret history of your current location. Check in to any historical location enough times and you could unlock the limited edition HISTORY™ ♥ London badge. Bag the badge and you also automatically be placed into the History Channel prize draw to win a fantastic VIP weekend in London.
Watch the video below for a guide to how to begin unlocking London.
Fun huh?! Whoever said history was dead and all in the past can be served up an ample slice of humble pie!
So start checking in and learn about the past. Today.